

Еврейский лексикон Стронга. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "בעז" в других словарях:

  • David ben Boaz — (Hebrew: דוד בן בעז, Arabic: Abu Sa id Dawud ibn Bu az) was a Karaite Jewish scholar who flourished in the tenth century CE. He is reported to have been the fifth in the line of descent from Anan ben David, the founder of Karaism (he was the son… …   Wikipedia

  • Boaz Sharabi — (Hebrew: בעז שרעבי) (b. 1947 in Tel Aviv) is an iconic Israeli singer songwriter, composer, guitarist, crooner, pianist, International DJ, MC, dancer, political activist, poet, actor, tenor, director, film producer, impresario, chazan and… …   Wikipedia

  • Вооз — (ивр. בעז‎, Боаз)  прадед царя Давида, герой книги Руфь. Племянник Елимелеха, он описан в книге Руфь как благочестивый человек, который женится на Руфи, вдове сына Елимелеха, оценив благородство ее поведения. Тем самым он поддерживает семью… …   Википедия

  • ABBREVIATIONS — The abbreviation of words originated in antiquity, probably soon after the alphabet developed from ideographic pictures. While originally rare, their use increased with the general growth in the transmission of ideas by writing. They relieved the …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • TEMPLE — The article is arranged according to the following outline: first temple history structure the ground plan of the temple the detailed plan of the temple general description the porch THE MAIN ROOM (HEKHAL) OR HOLY PLACE …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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