- חמא
- חֱמָא
Еврейский лексикон Стронга. 2013.
Еврейский лексикон Стронга. 2013.
חמא — v. לתת מחמאה, לשבח, להלל; להיות מתאים, להיות הולם (בגד) ; להחניף, להתחנ … אוצר עברית
Hanina bar Hama — (died ca. 250) (Hebrew: חנינא בר חמא) was a Jewish Talmudist, halakist and haggadist frequently quoted in the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud, and in the Midrashim. He is generally cited by his prænomen alone (R. Ḥanina), but sometimes with… … Wikipedia
Rami bar Hama — (Hebrew: רמי בר חמא) was a Babylonian amora of the third generation, a pupil of R. Ḥisda, and a fellow student of Raba, who was somewhat his junior (B. B. 12b; Suk. 29a; comp. Rabbinowitz, Variæ Lectiones ). He frequently addressed questions to R … Wikipedia