
завеса (в скинии, разделяющая Святое и Святое святых).

Еврейский лексикон Стронга. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "פרכת" в других словарях:

  • Parashah — EstherThe book of Esther is traditionally read by Jews on the holiday of Purim from a handwritten scroll on parchment that must be halakhically valid. This means that the rules of open and closed parashot are of more practical relevance for… …   Wikipedia

  • The Equinox — (subtitle: The Review of Scientific Illuminism ) is a series of publications in book form that serves as the official organ of the A. .A. ., the mystical order of Aleister Crowley (although material is often of import to its sister organization,… …   Wikipedia

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